Spanish Wells is accessed via flights through North Eleuthera Airport (ELH). Click here for map and golf cart rental information.

- LOCAL SHUTTLE – Calvin Pinder will take you from the airport the Spanish Wells dock by way of Gene’s Bay (aka Jean’s Bay) via van and water taxi. The whole trip takes 20-30 minutes (depending on # of people, luggage, etc.) and cost about $15/person plus tip. Stop in at Pinder’s Supermarket to book the trip back. Calvin’s email is [email protected]
- SCHEDULED AIRLINES – There are a number of airlines that fly into ELH from Nassau, Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando including Delta, United and American. Please check with the airlines for their specific schedules (see below).
- CHARTER AIRLINES – As well, there are several charter airlines that fly out of Nassau and Fort Lauderdale Executive airport. The local favourite is Bahamas Hoppers charter service from Nassau (cost is about $700 for up to 5 people)
- FERRY FROM NASSAU – The Bo Hengy is a large ferry that leaves Nassau at about 8 am and gets to the Spanish Wells dock at about 10 am. It is a nice trip but you typically have to spend a night in Nassau in order to have the schedule fit.